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  The problem with our political system is that it restricts the candidates to those who the parties wish to nominate regardless of the voters say. Voters increasingly feel frustrated with the system in which they have only a facade of representation, when in reality many Americans already realize that they do not have true representation within the government. Therefore, it is our mission in founding a party of the American people for the American people. America and her people's voice demands to be heard and we will be the sweeping wind of change that rocks the core or Washington and capitals across the states. We wish to shake off the current notion that our politicians are corrupt and bring to the people a system that hears their voices. We the people are the true embodiment of change with which the Alternative for America operates.

The Six Principles of the Alternative for America


The corruption of the political system, from federal to local levels should be combated at all times. Nepotism and "Pay to Play" operations will not be tolerated: they are enemies of a functional democracy.


The corruption of the federal government has led the nation down a path of ultimate downfall through reckless financial actions, budgets, spending, and so on. Therefore, the Alternative for America must operate first and foremost on the people's initiative, but within the means of a reasonable budget. The national debt and even local state debt must be combated.


Climate change is real. That said our system is so entwined with fossil fuel that to drop them completely would be reckless, rash, unaffordable, and so on. Therefore, Alternative for America supports cooperation with the fossil fuel industry to foster new technology spurred on by the ingenuity of the American as well as incentives for the creation and expansion of green energy so that the two can cooperate in a way that does not cost the normal American and that does not crash the American economy as so much of our national and state revenue has been reduced to consumer economics with the downfall of American industry.


American industry needs to be a part of this nation. Her people need jobs, her government needs income to provide the necessities of life to her people. Therefore, Alternative for America favors American industry. By reviewing the many restrictions that have been slowly placed on our industry over the years that has ultimately choked the life out of our industrial might which was once the envy of nations.


 Immigration is good, but only when its sustainable. However, when a government cannot even afford to provide for its own people, reckless immigration policies lead only to a spiral and culminate in economic ruin. Therefore, we should monitor closely immigration into our country until we can be sure to provide for our own. In some case that we cannot provide for our own people we would consider their interests first and foremost. We cannot forget that we are a nation founded upon immigration, but it is our duty to ensure that responsible management thereof does not ruin the very nation that it created.


Security is something a people needs. The world has become increasingly dangerous for Americans. Our reckless policies have created a negative reaction to our nation in areas of the world. Unfortunately, these areas of the world have only been harmed from these policies. We should on a whole review our foreign policy as our recent policies have caused strife in the regions in which we were engaged. That said our army is perhaps the strongest force in the world. However, is it sustainable for a nation with a sky-rocketing debt to afford such a force? Perhaps not, however this force is necessary because of the crisis in which we have a hand in. Our mission thereof is not to reduce the military, but rather redeploy it to use in a way that is more productive for the American individual. Be it for disaster relief or other aid organizations there are many domestic uses that the military can be deployed to help with and in a peaceful manner. 

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